Privacy Policy for the Use of our website

Thank you for visiting our website. The protection of your personal data (“Data”) is very important to us. This Privacy Policy is designed to give you an overview of which Data we collect and process when you visit our websites and contact us and what rights you have in relation to the processing of your Data.

I. Who are we and how you can contact us?


IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr („IAV“)
Carnotstraße 1
10587 Berlin

are responsible for protecting your Data.

If you have any questions regarding the processing of data, regarding your rights or this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact our Group Data Protection Officer. He can be reached

By post at:

IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr
Data Protection Officer
Carnotstraße 1
10587 Berlin

As well as by email at:

II. Data processing in connection with your visit to our website

A. Registration

Description and scope of the data processing:

If you want to participate at our IAV Digital Tech Day, you have to register on our website. The following Data must be provided:

  • First and last name,
  • name of the company,
  • position,
  • department,
  • e-mail address.

Purposes of the data processing:

To enable a chosen group of users to participate at our IAV Digital Tech Day, i.e. to have access to our presentations, a registration is necessary.

Legal basis:

We store this Data on the basis of legitimate interests (Art. 6 sec. 1 f General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)). Our legitimate interest is to achieve the purpose described above.

Term of storage and control options:

The Data is automatically deleted one year after your last login.


B. Log-Files

Description and scope of the data processing:

When you visit our website your browser automatically transmits the following Data:

  • information about the browser type and the version used,
  • the user's operating system,
  • the Internet service provider of the user,
  • the IP address of the user,
  • date and time of access,
  • websites from which the user's system accesses our website (referrer URL),
  • websites accessed by the user's system from our website.

Purposes of the data processing:

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary in order to enable the user's electronic device to receive the requested Data. For this purpose, the IP address of the user must be stored for the duration of the session. Other Data is stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website. The Data is also used to optimize the content of our website, to help us prevent malfunctions and misuse of our systems, to ensure the long-term functionality and security of our website and information technology systems, and to provide prosecuting authorities with the information necessary for prosecution in the event of a cyber attack.

Legal basis:

We store this Data temporarily on the basis of legitimate interests (Art. 6 sec. 1 f GDPR). Our legitimate interest lies in achieving the purposes described above.

Term of storage and control options:

The Data will be erased if they are no longer necessary to achieve the purposes. Log files are erased after seven days at the latest, unless a longer storage period is necessary to comply with contractual or legal obligations. Data, the further storage of which is needed for evidence purposes, are excluded from erasure until the respective incident has been finally clarified.


C. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

When you visit our website, we set so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your device. Cookies typically contain a distinctive string of characters, the so-called cookieID, which identify your browser when revisiting the website.

We use cookies to make our website user-friendly (storage of language selection by means of WPML language cookie). We also use session cookies to recognize if the user is already logged in.

Below you will find an overview of the cookies we use; further details about the analysis with Matomo and the video rating can be found below:

Cookie/ Tracking method




Logfile cookie



Detect that user is already logged in


Statistics (Matomo/ Piwik)


Information is collected to create statistics about the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the site, clicks per video

Video rating/ star rating

essential (for video rating and is only set if the user participates)

336 hours / 2 weeks

Execution of the video rating: storage of the fact that a user has given his rating and evaluation of the ratings

Video rating/ star rating

Description and scope of the data processing:

To carry out the video rating we use the WordPress Rating Plugin: After the user has voted, a cookie is set which stores that the user has already voted. The IP address is not stored. Nevertheless, the cookie ID can be used to match users' ratings.

Purposes of the data processing:

We use the rating function to obtain feedback on the content of our presentations and to be able to improve them in the future to meet the interests of the users.

Legal basis:

We use the Rating Plugin based on Art. 6 sec. 1 f GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the above mentioned purposes.

Term of storage and control options:

You can prevent the collection of data and the processing of data by deleting the cookie in your browser, completely deactivating the storage of cookies, selectively accepting certain cookies and, if necessary, setting your browser to notify you if a cookie is to be set. Please use the help functions of your browser to find out how to change these settings. This may limit the functionality of our websites.

Deactivate in Firefox

Deactivate in Internet Explorer

Deactivate in Chrome


Matomo (PIWIK)

Description and scope of the data processing:

We use on our website the open source web analytics service of Matomo / InnoCraft, 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand ("Matomo").

Matomo is implemented in such a way that no cookies are stored on the device. Instead, we use fingerprinting to analyze the behavior of our visitors for the purpose of website optimization and optimization of our offer.

The so-called fingerprint includes in particular the operating system, browser, device type (computer, laptop, telephone), screen resolution, preferred language. The IP address is anonymized directly during the process of data collection. Through the above mentioned measures we cannot refer to the identity of individual visitors.

Within the scope of the analysis, the following information in particular is evaluated: Visitor numbers, number of returning visitors, visited sites, visitors' actions on the site (e.g. clicks per video), visitors' time spent on the site, first and last visit to the site, keywords used by visitors to find the site, visitors' behaviour on the site, visitors' location, devices used when visiting our site, including device settings (screen resolution, operating system, browser used), visitors' interests.

The information collected is not shared with third parties as we host Matomo on our own.

Purposes of the data processing:

We use the statistics provided by Matomo to analyze the activities on our website and to understand the use and navigation on our website. This allows us to evaluate our services and improve the quality of our websites and content and adjust them to the needs of our users.

Legal basis:

We use Matomo on the basis of Art. 6 sec. 1 f GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in evaluating the use of our website and adjusting their content and design to your needs.

Term of storage and control options:

If you do not agree with the storage and use of your data, you can deactivate the storage and use here.

Your visit to this website is currently tracked by Matomo Web Analytics. Click here so that your visit is no longer tracked.

In this case a so-called opt-out cookie is set in your browser, which prevents Matomo from storing usage data. Please note that if you delete your cookies, the Matomo Opt-Out-Cookie will be deleted as well. The Opt-Out must then be activated again when you visit our website once more.

Matomo uses the "Do-Not-Track" function of your browser.


Social-Media (Twitter, XING, LinkedIn, Facebook/ Instagram)

There are icons on this website which enable the sharing of pages on social networks. These icons are implemented as external links (e.g. for Facebook with “sharer.php”).

Social media platforms:

If you click on an icon your user Data will be transferred to the website of the social media platform.

You can find further information on data processing on social media platforms, purposes and legal bases for the data processing as well as your rights vis-á-vis the social media platforms under the following links:




Privacy Policy

Facebook/ Instagram


Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland




LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland



Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA





XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Deutschland)


You can also prevent the collection and processing of the Data by the social media platforms by downloading and installing on your devices the browser add-on available under the following links.

Facebook/ Instagram Opt-Out

LinkedIn Opt-Out

Twitter Opt-Out

Xing Opt-Out


In each case, you have total control over the use of cookies and can delete cookies in your browser, you can deactivate the storage of cookies completely, accept only certain cookies selectively and possibly set up your browser in a way that it notifies you when a cookie is to be set. To learn how to change these settings, please use the help feature of your browser. Please note that this can restrict the functionality of our website.

Deactivate in Firefox

Deactivate in Internet Explorer

Deactivate in Chrome

III. Which Data is processed when you contact us?

Description and scope of the data processing:

We collect and process the Data provided by you, such as contact data, your name and your query, when you contact us via e-mail. All Data that you provide to us is transferred between your browser and our servers in encrypted form.

Purposes of the data processing:

We process your Data exclusively to handle your query.

Legal basis:

We process your Data in order to perform precontractual and contractual measures, that occur on the basis of your query (Art. 6 sec. 1 b GDPR). In all other cases, the processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective processing of the queries addressed to us (Art. 6 sec. 1 f GDPR).

Term of storage and control options:

We store your Data for as long as we need it for the specific processing purpose. In addition, we store certain Data for the duration of the statutory limitation periods (usually three years, in individual cases up to 30 years) and for as long as is prescribed by statutory retention periods (e.g. as defined in the Commercial Code (HGB), the Fiscal Code (AO)) (usually ten years).

IV. Who receives your Data?

A. Departments within IAV GmbH

Within IAV, access to your Data shall only be provided to those departments / persons who require this for the purposes described.


B. Service providers that support us

We will transmit your Data to our service providers, e.g. in the fields of

  • IT services,
  • post and telecommunications,
  • advice, legal advice,
  • compliance and data protection,
  • distribution and advertising,
  • operation and maintenance of our websites,
  • as well as communication, e.g. via our chat form and customer service (telephone and e-mail).

These service providers are contractually obliged to maintain confidentiality and fulfill the requirements under data protection law. Service providers that are processors have signed a corresponding contract, which guarantees that Data will be processed strictly according to our instructions.


V. What rights do you have and how can you exercise these?

A. Withdrawal of consent

You can withdraw any consent you have granted to the processing of your Data at any time and with effect for the future. Please note that the withdrawal will have no impact on the legality of the previous data processing and that it does not extend to such data processing for which statutory authorisation exists and which can therefore be performed without your consent.

B. Other rights of data subjects

According to Art. 15 to 21 and 77 of the GDPR and if the conditions are met, you are furthermore entitled to the following rights.


You can at any time demand provision of information on the Data of yours that we process and demand a copy of the Data stored on you, Art. 15 GDPR. Please note that further copies of the Data stored on you may be subject to a charge.


You can demand the correction of incorrect Data as well as the completion of incomplete Data according to Art. 16 GDPR.


You can demand the erasure of your Data. Please note that the erasure does not include Data required for the execution and processing of contracts and to assert, exercise and defend against legal claims as well as Data for which statutory, supervisory or contractual retention obligations exist, Art. 17 GDPR.

Restriction of processing:

You can under certain circumstances demand the restriction of the processing, e.g. if you believe that your Data is incorrect, if the processing is illegal or you have raised a complaint about the data processing. This will mean that without your consent your Data may only be processed in a very restricted way, e.g. to assert, exercise or defend against legal claims or to protect the rights of other natural or legal entities, Art. 18 GDPR.

Objection to the data processing:

You have the option to object to the data processing for direct advertising purposes at any time. In addition, you can object at any time to data processing performed on the basis of a legitimate interest if there is particular reason for doing so, Article 21 GDPR.

Data portability:

You have the right to receive the Data provided by you, which was processed based on your consent or in order to fulfill a contract, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to demand a direct transfer of this Data to third parties within the realms of what is technically possible, Article 20 GDPR.

C. Contact routes

You can assert your rights by means of the following Contact details:

By post at:

IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr
Data Protection Officer
Carnotstraße 1
10587 Berlin

As well as by email at:

D. Right to appeal to the competent data protection supervisory authority

If you, for example, consider that the processing of your Data is illegal or that your rights described above are not granted to you to the required extent, you have the right to file a complaint to the competent data protection supervisory authority.

Last revision: May 2022